August 21, 2023
Work Tips

What are the Pros and Cons of Freelancing in the Philippines for 2023?

what are the pros and cons of freelancing in the philippines for 2023?

The world of freelancing has grown exponentially in recent years, and the Philippines has become a hub for remote workers. With its affordable cost of living, language proficiency, and skilled workforce, the country has become an attractive destination for companies looking for freelance talent. But with all the advantages, there are also some challenges that come with freelancing in the Philippines in 2023.

In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of freelancing in the Philippines, and what the future holds for this growing industry.

What are the Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer?


  • Low Cost of Living: One of the most significant advantages of freelancing in the Philippines is the low cost of living. Accommodation, food, and transportation have less impact on your budget, allowing you to spend less money and save more.

  • Access to Skilled Talent: The Philippines has a talented workforce and an education system that focuses on practical and vocational education. This means that there is always a high availability of skilled talent, which is particularly handy for freelancers who need to outsource projects or subcontract tasks.

  • Flourishing Gig Economy: The Philippines' gig economy is rapidly growing. Startup companies and small businesses that want to outsource non-core activities such as marketing, graphic design, and web development will find it easy to hire talent, especially with the numerous platforms available such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.

  • Language Proficiency: A majority of Filipinos are fluent in English, making communication between clients and freelancers smooth and hassle-free.


  • Poor Infrastructure: Despite the high availability of skilled talent, freelancing in the Philippines can be challenging due to poor infrastructure, such as slow and unreliable internet connections.

  • Payment Platforms: The country's financial landscape can be off-putting to freelancers who rely on payment platforms. The commonly used platforms like Paypal, Skrill, and Payoneer have limited functionality in the Philippines, with the notoriously long wait times and high fees making it a significant challenge for freelancers to access their funds.

  • Time Zone Disadvantage: The time difference can also cause problems with clients in other countries. The Philippines’ time zone is GMT+8, which can be difficult when working with clients in different countries with different time zones.

  • Competition: The booming industry means you'll also face stiff competition as more professionals are joining the roster of freelancers every day.

  • Lack of health coverage:  Freelancers in the Philippines often don't have access to affordable health insurance. This can be a major drawback for those who depend on freelancing as their primary source of income and may lead to financial insecurity during times of medical emergency or illness. A quick remedy to this would be to invest in private health insurance from a reputable provider such as InLife.

The freelancing industry in the Philippines is rapidly developing, and it's expected to continue growing over the next few years. While there are some cons associated with being a freelancer, the pros such as low cost of living, access to skilled talent, language proficiency, and flourishing gig economy make it a great opportunity for those looking to work remotely. With dedication and hard work, freelancers in the Philippines have a great chance of succeeding and achieving financial freedom. 

As the industry develops, it's important to keep an eye out for the changes and challenges that may come with it. With proper preparation, planning, and research, you can be sure to navigate your path as a successful freelancer in 2023!

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