August 29, 2018

The little things we do now, count a lot in the future.



Sometimes, we take the little things for granted. Like thanking those who helped us, or saying “I love you” to the people who matter. But if we just take time to think about it, the little things we do really matter a lot. Most of the time, they lead to bigger things. Like a simple “good luck” has the power to boost someone’s confidence and inspire him/her to go for greatness.


This is the reason why, Insular Life came up with the “Little Things” campaign. It’s our own “little way” of encouraging and inspiring people to keep on doing the little things that can lead to positive effects, not just on themselves, but more importantly, on the people around them. Just imagine if all of us will do just one little good thing everyday… the results can be very exciting and uplifting. We plan to make this campaign more meaningful in the lives of our social media followers by asking them to share the little good things that they do. And from among the posts they will share, we will choose the best ones and feature them as part of our sustaining posts*. 


*Details of the crowdsourcing activity will be available in our social assets in the coming weeks. 


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Twitter: @Insular_Life

Instagram: @insular_life

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