May 05, 2015
Insular Life appoints De la Cruz as President, Hofileña as Sr. EVP

Insular Life Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Vicente R. Ayllón recently announced the appointment of Mrs. Mona Lisa B. de la Cruz as President and Chief Operating Officer, filling the position vacated by Mayo Jose B. Ongsingco who retired on May 1, 2015.
De la Cruz is the first woman-president of the 104-year old Filipino life insurer. She joined Insular Life in 1980 as a Technical Assistant at the Mass Marketing Division. Since then, she has moved up the corporate ladder occupying various leadership positions in Group Underwriting Department, Actuarial Division, and Administrative Operations Group. She was also at one time the Chief Actuary and Treasurer of Insular Life
She is a member of the Board of Directors of all six subsidiaries of Insular Life, as well as the Professional Services Inc. (Medical City), and Mapfre Insular Insurance Corporation.
Dela Cruz earned her undergraduate degree in Statistics, cum laude, at the University of the Philippines, and completed her Masters of Science in Mathematics, major in Actuarial Science from the University of Michigan. She is currently a Fellow of the Actuarial Society of the Philippines, an Associate of the Society of Actuaries, USA, and a Member of the International Actuarial Association.
Ayllon also announced the promotion of Jesus Alfonso G. Hofileña to the rank senior executive vice president and head of Sales and Marketing Group. Hofilena joined Insular Life in 2008 as executive vice president and head of Sales. Hofileña graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, summa cum laude. He is Fellow in the Life Management Institute (FLMI) of the Life Office Management Association (LOMA) with specialization in Management Science.
He is also currently the president of Insular Life Assurance Company General Agency, as well as director of Home Credit Mutual Building & Loan Association and Insular Health Care Inc.