InLife provides clean water systems to a community near Angat River
InLife provides clean water systems to a community near Angat River

Insular Life (InLife) has joined hands with Waves for Water (W4W) Philippines to provide clean water systems to almost 100 households in Bulacan.
InLife employees and financial advisors turned over 30 filtration systems that would help 96 households in Barangay Marungko, Angat, Bulacan.
“The turn-over of filtration systems is the culminating activity of our Nation of Sheroes program which was launched during InLife Sheroes’ third anniversary event last March. We will continue to strengthen Nation of Sheroes to encourage more volunteers, and to reach more communities in need of assistance,” said InLife Sheroes Program Manager Josephine Gonzales.
During the filter distribution and demo to community leaders, W4W Philippines Country Director Jenica Dizon thanked InLife for supporting their purpose of providing clean water to those who need it.
“Waves for Water Philippines is grateful to InLife for bringing the filtration systems to a total of 362 individuals, majority of whom work as construction laborers and fishermen, who used to get their water from deep wells and manual pumps. The clean water source would eliminate the need to buy bottled drinking water, and resolve the risk of waterborne illnesses such as diarrhea and gastroenteritis,” she said.
“The presence of InLife volunteers during our community engagement and turnover event also shows that the company and its employees share a strong commitment to help improve the lives of our fellow Filipinos,” added Dizon who was among InLife’s Young Shero of the Year Circle of Excellence awardees last year.

In partnership with Waves for Water Philippines, Insular Life (InLife) employees and financial advisors provide filtration systems to families in Barangay Marungko, Angat, Bulacan.