January 27, 2017

Exact, Inc. Appoints Insular Life as Group Insurance Provider

The Excellence and Competency Training (EXACT) Center Incorporated, one of the largest Maritime Training Centers in the Philippines, recently appointed Insular Life as the provider of insurance and retirement benefits for its employees. Representing EXACT, Inc. during the signing of the memorandum are: President Chief Engineer Ferdinand G. Marcos and Vice President for Finance Chief Mate Renato Sangalang (2nd from left and extreme right, respectively), while Insular Life was represented by President and COO Mona Lisa B. de la Cruz and Sr. Executive Vice President for Sales and Marketing Jesus Alfonso G. Hofileña (3rd from left and extreme left, respectively).

Witnessing the signing of agreement between the two companies are: (Standing from left) EXACT, Inc. Corporate Secretary Cdr. Angelo Tagle, EXACT Inc. Training Director Capt. Arsenio Padilla, Insurance and Investment Advisor Lyne Leva-Dilag, Insular Life SVP & Chief Agency Executive Ramon M. Cabrera, Insular Life FVP & Metro Manila Sales Division Head John Jesus O. Lim, and Eagle One Financial District Sales Manager Raul Mabanag.
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